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Increase Leads with a Bloomtools Website

Posted by Chris Downey on 1 February 2019
Increase Leads with a Bloomtools Website

Once a year I get the privilege to speak about my company Bloomtools Durham and all of our web offerings at our bi - weekly Durham Networking Association meetings.At our last meeting I took the time to discuss my customer Graphics Production Group and the results they have been getting with their Bloomtools website.

When I first start working with a client we walk them through our philosophy on the 5ps of a website. We use this to start the customer's online plan.



Purpose: What is the purpose of your website? Every website needs to have one. If not it is just there doing nothing! For Graphics Production Group the purpose of the site is to highlight all the work they do with print, show that they are experts in their industry and ultimately to get leads!


PersuasionYou have 3-5 seconds to grab your potential customer's attention when they land on your website. You must have an updated modern design site to keep that prospect from leaving right away. Along with that Graphics Production Group's website features recent print projects in pictures, Blogs and testimonials to persuade prospects into showing them they are experts in print production.


Promotion: How do you promote your website? There are many ways to get customers and potential clients to your website. If you don't promote it then your site is just a billboard in a dessert. Graphics Production Group promotes their website through Print Material, Google Ads campaigns, Social Media, Database Marketing and in person meetings.


Productivity:  Once your potential customer is on your website and looking through the site, you need them to take action. You want them to contact you so you will have their information and can start selling to them. You can do this by offering something, a discount, a white paper etc.. For Graphics Production Group they want you to get an estimate, this takes their potential client to a form where they can fill out all the information for their next print job. Allowing Graphics Production Group to quote on the potential clients business. 


PersistenceAfter doing all this work you want to make sure you stay relevant and front of mind with your clients and past prospects that came to your site. You never know when they will need your services again. Creating a strategy where you are staying in touch with these customers is paramount to your continued success of your business. Bloomtools websites have an integrated Database Marketing tool that will help you do this.  We created a custom email template for Graphics Production Group, allowing them to send out monthly newsletters, targeted industry emails and automated campaigns to potential new customers.


The Graphics Production Group website has been live for two years now and during that time they have been following their Online Marketing plan and the 5 Ps strategy.


45 New Customers in 2 Years

51 Leads From the website in 2018

Increase Revenues of 35% from 2017 to 2018


If you're looking to get results from your website and don't know where to start, give me a call to get your Bloomtools Website and Online Marketing Plan.


Chris Downey

Marketing Consultant

Bloomtools Durham

905 447 0257








Author:Chris Downey
About: I help business grow their revenues by providing powerful websites, internet marketing tools, creative print collateral and sales strategies that deliver results. These are the main things you can expect when working with me; attract more visitors to your website, generate more leads, convert more leads into sales, and create fans for your brand. My success comes from working with my clients to grow their business. I'm accountable to my customer's results, the quality of print and website design. To learn more about me and how I can increase your leads, boost your sales and have customers coming back time and time again call or text me at 905 447 0257. Thanks Chris Downey Web & Print Consultant
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